
This happy story begins with a , blue-eyed husky called Qaynan. Qaynan was nine months old when she came into rescue; she had been fending for herself on the streets for most of her short life. She was picked up and taken to a shelter, where TOTT found her, a shy little girl who had never been loved. At first, Qaynan was really afraid… people had not been nice to her during her puppyhood, and it took her a while to realize that people’s hands can be used to give me good things like pets, belly rubs, toys, and food. After she was in her foster home for a few weeks, Qaynan stopped being so shy and afraid and let her foster family see the “real” Qaynan – a sweet and sometimes rambunctious little girl who was ready for a home of her own.

Qaynan had been in foster care for five months when she met her new “brother,” Alexei. Lex was a year old and had never lived in a home before – he had been born and so far raised in a kennel. He was a typical happy and “zoomie” Sibe puppy who loved playing with other dogs, but was rambunctious in his invitations to other dogs when he wanted to play. Alexei was well-socialized with humans, but had never seen stairs or things like televisions, and was endlessly fascinated with them. He loved playing with his fosters brothers and sister, Qaynan, and thought cuddling with his humans was one of the best things ever.

On February 26, 2005 Qaynan found her forever home, and Alexei found his that day also – with the same family! Larry, Joann, Chad and Chris were looking for “potato chips” – going on the theory that huskies are like potato chips – you can never have just one! Qaynan and Alexei bonded as brother and sister in their foster home and now will never have to be without one another.

Update, March 6, 2005, from Alexei and Qaynan’s foster mom:
Leo spoke with Larry today, and Lex and Qaynan are doing great. They have discovered that Qaynan is the instigator of the two (duh!) and Lex is learning to hold his ground with her when needed. Lex tried to mark the house for the first three days, but we kept in close contact with the family and made sure they were all doing the same things and doing the right things to get that problem nipped in the bud. The marking has stopped. Both dogs are walking great on leash, and are the hit of the neighborhood.

There is one remaining problem: which bed the dogs get to sleep in. Apparently, each family member wants a dog with them at night, and there are not enough dogs for everyone.

The whole family loves these dogs, and is delighted to be able to have kept the two dogs together, as they are so close and so balanced. This is a great home, and we are so glad for Larry, Joann, Chad, and Chris, and for Alexei and Qaynan.

Update, March 7, 2005 from Lex and Qaynan’s new dad:
Well a little over a week has passed and its hard to put into words,how much this home has cheered up with the pups! The adjustment has been almost too easy! We still have an occaisional slip, but they are few and far between. Qay is the instigator of most of the mischief and Lexi has become my walk along pal.The 2 of them are just perfect together.We are working on the little things and are making great progress.They seem to have the house down pat and as the pictures show, they do actually relax now and then. I find Lexi to be a very fun and cautious at 1st, fellow. He and I have just seem to bond more and more every day.We do a long play period outside at least twice a day with both dogs chasing the green tennis balls with great enthusiasm. The neighbors seem to really love watching them play in the back yard. I guess what I’m babbling on saying is, THIS IS GREAT,FOR ALL INVOLVED. I have no doubt that they are a part of our lives for many happy and fun filled years. Thank you for keeping them together.

Update February 26, 2006:

Hello all, as the proud adopted dad of these two, I'm sending along an update. The dogs have adopted pets of their own.They are called the "Hedgehogs". Ever since bringing home the "hogs" from Petsmart, the play hours have never been the same! Both dogs are doing great and have every thing in the home down pat. Their curiosity has amazed all of us.They listen well and have brought a ton of fun and laughter into the house. TV cuddle time has also taken on a new dimension,and low and behold,they do all kinds of things to find a way to"share the popcorn.Qaynan remains the dominant dog, but Lex is learning how to cope, and actually wins one every now and then. Lex is an amazing dog in finding ways to amuse himself and also make us laugh. I am giving you a copy of one of his greatest fun schemes. "MY SIX SUCESSFUL SINK SURFIN TIPS" by Alexei. #1 Pick your time very carefully.Usually after a big supper is best!! #2 Lull the two legged ones to sleep! Get their attention off the kitchen and sink. Humor them, play with "hedgehog" and run and catch the ball. In other words,"tire them out!" #3 Make noise!! Make them want to leave the general area, leaving you all alone. #4 Be taller than the other 4 legged friend that lives here. Why share the "good stuff" if you dont have too!! #5 Quietly as possible, get up on your back legs, with front ones now affixed to the sink counter.This allows quick and quiet access to the"Snack Find" #6 MOST IMPORTANTLY. Be quiet and DO NOT drop glass or ceramic things onto the floor.This makes "big noise" and brings the two legged ones running to the scene! If you do drop something,Run and hide! Let the other 4 legged one take the blame! Happy and sucessful surfing to you all!! I guess you can see that the dogs have sucessfully taken over the house. Know what? We love it. Thank you for the nice story under "Potato Chips" These two have made things fun. I'll keep you updated,Larry.