
Deke found his forever home October 30, 2004

Deke came into TOTTSHR from a shelter where all the dogs had to move while the shelter was being renovated. The volunteers at TOTTSHR just couldn’t see this sweet boy face another change. He had already been turned into the shelter from his first home and he needed a lot of help to learn what a loving home was. Although Deke had a lot of things to learn in his foster home, his foster mom, Cindy, helped him every step of the way. While in foster care he overcome separation anxiety, fear of men, and learned to socialize with other dogs.

Whatever Cindy and her family did to help Deke become a safe and happy sibe must have worked because on October 30, 2004 Deke found his forever home. Ray and Sue adopted Deke so that he could be a brother to Shadow, their seven year old female sibe. The brother and sister duo are doing well and Sue and Ray report that, “Deke has been a wonderful addition to our family.” Best of luck to the new clan!

Deke with his new family!

and Dyani joined him August 13, 2007

Today's adoption went very well, it was for Alumni Deke and his folks Sue and Ray... Deke is doing very well ... they love that crazy dog.

Although Deke continuously humped Dyani and she was not so sure that she was going to set him straight she really won their hearts with her sweetness and dopey looking smile. Dyani liked Deke and she will eventually tell him to leave her alone and they weill become good friends. Deke may not play her favorite game of chase much but she won't care as long as Ray and Sue love her.

Congratulations Dyani you finally found your forever home!