
Haley's Comet was adopted on October 27th, 2002. On August 4th, 2003 Xango joined her!

Haley was adopted on October 27, 2002 by the Whitakers! Haley was greeted by a spacious crate, complete with comfy blankie, and plenty of opportunity to be a snuggle bug with her new family. When the Whitakers have to travel, Haley will be spending time with her new grandparents and play-bowing their cats. As with her comet namesake, we hope we don't see her back in orbit for another 76 years and that her adventures and journeys with her new family are all happy ones.

January 23rd, 2003 update:

I Am Home!Just wanted to give everyone an update on Haley.Since her adopttion on october 27,2002 or family life has changed a great deal,for the better of course. Haley has been one of the best things that has ever happened in or lives. At first there was alitttle adjustment period ,but after that first week, she new that she was in a good home. She recently got a new and larger fenced in yard that she just loves to go out and play in.Weather it be catch or frisbee, or just to go out and run around she is always seems happy.Haley especialy loves her walks, she goes at least twice a day and if you dont take her she will deffinately know about it.

Haley has also become very fond of her new brother(sort of speek), he is a 4 foot green iguana named Timon. They seem to just love each other. Haley loves to give him kisses and make sure that nobody will hurt him. All of our neighbors think that she is such a beautiful well behaved dog because she is so friendly and hardly ever barks. Thats just a little update on Haley. So I would just like to thank Audrey, and everyone else at TOTTSHR for giving us such a wonderful pet.

Thank You:
Jeff Whitaker

Check me out!Yes it is true! Haley needed a friend... and so Xango joined her on August 4th, 2003.

The pictures in the slide show you can view here are from his foster home. We hope to see pictures soon of Xango and Haley in their home!

October 1st , 2003 update:


I just wanted to give everyone an update on Haley And Xango. Haley is so much happier with a brother. The day that Paige and Audrey brought over the dogs, it was love at first site.

Haley took a real liking to Xango. They love to play around and play tug of war with what ever they can get there teeth on. It's very comical to watch them. We just recently went on a trip to the Adirondack Mountains for a week. Haley and Xango absolutley loved it. We Hiked about 20 miles and climbed 2 mountains. As you can see in a few of the pictures that they were tired out at the end of the day, but they were raring to go the next morning at 6 A.M. everyday.

The two of them get along so well. Xango loves to sleep on the bed at night. He usually sprawls out and takes up 3/4 of the bed. Haley will go and crawl under the bed until about 2 a.m. when she jumps up on the bed and takes up the remaining 1/4 of the bed. During the day they pretty much make our house there own private romper room. It's so nice to have 2 loving dogs to come home to from a long day at work.

Haley graduated from obidience school in August. Xango is now on his third week of class where hopefully he will graduate in another 5 weeks.

I would just like to thank everyone at tottshr, you have made us 2 of the proudess parents of siberian huskies.

Thank You,
Jeff Whitaker & April Lyon