
NOVEMBER 3rd, 2002.

JULY 26th, 2003

Laika (now known as Shadow) breezed through rescue and quickly found his new family on November 3, 2002.

At HomeShadow went home with John, Karen, human sister Gina, and canine sister Nikko on November 3. Thinking they would name him "Dallas" at first, John and Karen said that after spending a day with him following them wherever they went, Shadow is what he seems to be!

Update from Shadow's new family on 11/25:

"Shadow is doing great!!! Those tips from Scott are really working out well. He is still very stubborn sometimes, but he also amazes me. I have to tell you this story...

Nikko is still having problems with her legs and the vet put her on some more medicine that we are to give to her in stages - so she is still our "don't bother me" dog. She hasn't done very much but in her own way she's trying to "play" with Shadow as much as she can (which is not very much). He really seems to respect the fact that she's having trouble. Anyway, on Saturday morning, Nikko was laying at my feet when I was in the dining room making my Thankxgiving list of things to do. I had given them both a rawhide - of course Shadow ate his like it was a potato chip- and Nikko just carried hers around. She had left it in the hallway (maybe to tease him) and he laid by it for quite some time, till he couldn't take it anymore, I guess. The next thing I knew he went for it and I was getting ready to tell him to drop it,


Never in my life have I seen such a display. I was amazed! And if I hadn't witnessed it myself I WOULD NOT HAVE BELIEVED IT! I am still awestruck! What dog will give up a rawhide??? Let alone bring it to another dog???

Again, how could someone have just given up on this dog and let him go??!!

Every day, I count my blessings - Shadow is a big one!!!

Thanx again for this big Knucklehead!! Thank you so much for helping us in our search for a new family member! We couldn't imagine getting a better dog and we feel lucky to have him!!


Karen also sent us this family Christmas photo. She titled it "Can you tell Shadow sees a treat?" Yes, we can tell exactly where his focus is!



Apollo (now known as Taz) joined Shadow and Nikko's family!

His new home writes:

We have finally decided on a name! We have tossed around several but none of them quite captured his personality until "Taz".

Our Tazmanian Devil keeps everyone on their toes!

He has two speeds........fast and faster! He even gets Nikko in on the fun! He is very gentle with her and a perfect match for Shadow.

Nikko has even taken off a few pounds since Taz has been with us!

All have adjusted nicely - it's great to see them all having a good time! I know we made the right decision on Taz - What a beautiful dog!

One happy family!

Everybody wants to play!

Gina thinks this is the neatest game:

Taz never even touched her finger...

Holiday 2003 wishes from the happy family: