
Max at play

Max has a happy new family. Thank you Janine for sharing your story with us!

Last year a woman at work was talking about a dog they have found and didn't want. At the time, he had a hard time with accidents in the house, and not behaving. It got to a point where they chained him outside all day because if it. They were going to send him away. I told her I was going to check out the dog and see what I can do. I knew I couldn't keep him because my landlord would never let me. Before I met him I was determined to help this poor dog find a home. I couldn't imagine what he has already been through. I went home that night and talked to my boyfriend and told him I was going to take this dog home and it was only for a week or two to help him find a home. I have a lot of friends that love dogs and didn't think it would be that hard. So within the week, I went to see him. He was so cute and loving. Beautiful blue eyes. All white. I fell in love with him at first sight. I took him home that night. I couldn't wait for Max at PlayChris to come home and see him. I knew I wanted him.

Well, this story can go on forever. So let me just say that Max, Chris, and I all moved to a pet friendly place and lived happily ever after. His accident problem was caused by feeding him only wet food and not walking him. Well, that's no longer a problem. He is on a strict diet and we walk Miles every day. We also sit on the porch almost every night and hang out. The three of us are so happy. He's the joy of our life.

Janine Tancona