
Mia & Striker

Mia has a happy new family and her family wanted to share their success story with us! Mia was adopted through Siberian Husky Rescue, some of us had a chance to meet this beautiful girl and her new family....we wish you the best!

"Mia is now just one of the family - Striker and Mia play hard together, they have staked out different "turf" around the house to rest on and have doubled our husky fun. She has lived up to her advance billing as a real "talker" and a very gentle, friendly Husker. She has become our son's dog - sleeping near him and giving me a growl in the morning when I wake him. All in all a great addition to our family!"

-Barb, Al, Meghan, Adam, Striker and Mia (Kushka)

Update 12/23/03

"Thought perhaps you'd like an updated photo to see how Kushka is doing in her forever home with us. Striker and Kushka have settled in very well together - existing in that "tolerance zone" huskies seem to have for each other. K has really become our son's dog - sleeping in his room and just happy to be around him - he reciprocates in making a big fuss over her and taking great care of her. If we had more room, we'd really consider helping as foster parents . Hope you all are doing well. Have a very happy holiday and please stay in touch."

-Al, Barb, Meghan, Adam, Stiker & Kushka