
Niko, the Perkasie traveler who won the hearts of the good Samaritan that found him and the Tails of the Tundra family that fostered him, found his way on April 27, 2001 into the hearts of Vickie and Rob.

It is hard to believe that this handsome young man's original owner didn't want him back after he was found wandering the streets of Perkasie, PA by his good Samaritan. But, that's Vickie's and Rob's gain! Niko is now living in style with his new family, which includes four feline friends--Tiny, Tipsy, Thomas, and Samantha. He delights in his daily morning walks with Rob, and he especially loves going to his summer vacation house in Maryland with his new family.

Thanks to Vickie and Rob for welcoming this boy into their family!

Update from Vickie and Rob on 12/7/01:

My husband and I just wanted to thank your organization for allowing us the privilege of adopting Nikko, then a 10-12 month old, purebred male back in May. He is our pride and joy.

The funny thing is we were looking for a female, mixed, puppy that we could more easily raise to tolerate our 4 cats (ages one->18). But your helpful volunteers managed to match us with the perfect fit...and the one puppy they brought to appease us was not it! Nikko was even more trained than anyone imagined...still a handful though.

The youngest cat, his age, even plays with him and of course, all of the children in the neighborhood know him by name...he is such a ham and loves their attention. Beyond thanking your organization verbally, we will be sending a holiday donation and hope next year to find a companion for him (& family member) from your organization.

Thanks to your organization again for helping us expand our loving family.

Happy Holidays from Vickie, Rob and our children:
Tiny, Tipsy, Thomas,
Samantha, and Nikko.

Nikita joins Vickie and Rob's clan on 1/11/03:

The potato chip syndrome struck again when Vickie and Rob introduced Niko to Nikita on January 11, 2003, and it was love at first sight. Niko shared his water with Nikita, then showed her his husky prowess by knocking over an end table and together they leapt over the couch. When his new love was taken away so he could meet some of the other TOTTSHR dogs we brought with us to the adoption, Niko pouted in a corner until she was brought back and the deal was done. The couldn't refuse Niko's wishes. He had chosen his soul-mate!

Vickie hasn't stopped laughing since we left, watching their non-stop play and absolute adoration for each other. Niko also defends his love from the "psycho cat" and in return, Nikita shares her toys with her hero.

Vickie has promised to send pics of the two love birds, and we wish them
both a very happy and toy laden life together!

Nikita and Niko update 1/26/03:

In LoveWell two weeks have gone by since we added Nikita to the Evans clan and the spoiled brats are practically inseparable! Heaven forbid Nikko spots Nikita outside without him...he howls at the top of his lungs like a wolf calling his pack and does not stop until we return. We actually think it sounds really awesome...not sure if the neighbors agree though. And in turn, if Nikita spots Nikko out and about without her, she barks, whines, and makes this one sound we can't describe.

Although we thought we had put away all of the toys and chews, we forgot about the downstairs toy box. But just a few hours after her arrival, when no one watching, Nikita went into the box and pulled out toy after toy and chew after chew, until she found just the right one. There was nothing we could do but laugh when we saw her running through the house with this old, ratty, muddy, stinky toy that somehow escaped the garbage. She acted as if she just found a priceless diamond tiara. That did it! This little girl had melted heart, and it was then I knew that Nikko had made the right choice of sisters. After the first few times of closely supervised sessions with toys and chews, we noticed that there was not only no jealous, protective behavior but these two had actually worked out some weird system of sharing...they trade.

We took the two of them on a road trip to our summer house on the Chesapeake Bay yesterday so they could run and play in the fenced in yard. It was an awesome experience for all of us!!

Thanks again! We are so pleased with our new addition and the affect she has had on the entire family.