
Adopted 2/14/02

He needed a new home at only 10 months old. For some reason, his owners brought him home as a puppy, who knows what they expected from him, when they kept him in a crate during the day and left him outside all night. It was obvious that he needed a home that would give him the chance to be appreciated for the sweet adorable Husky/Beagle mix that he was.

Described as a 27 lbs, very cute, great with kids, good with cats and small dogs, walks well on leash, very loving, sweet, likes to cuddle, good watchdog, who could resist? The Petrillo family certainly couldn't.

Taz now lives with his canine brother, Rusty (a beagle/basset mix), and the Petrillo family. His new mom Tracey loves Taz so much!

Update March 16, 2006:

Hi Again,

Attached are a few recent pictures of Taz. I wanted to give you a little more detail on how Taz is doing.

Recently, his brother Rusty passed away. Rusty was very sick and we had to have him put down. Taz was really upset and depressed but now he is starting to get a lot better. He is still very lonely but we are taking care of him and maybe soon he will have a new brother or sister to play with.

Taz is actually a very funny dog. While he is inside he is very docile and loving. I come home from work and he is always at the door waiting, even when someone is home. He is always following me around the house. While I am getting ready for work, he ususally jumps up on my bed and waits for me to finish and tell him to come on before he will leave my room.

When we put him outside it is another story. Our neighbors have dogs as well and he just loves to literally leap off the the deck and run back and forth the fence and bark and bark at these dogs. When he comes inside, he is always out of breath from running so much but always has that smile on his face.

There are times though, while he is inside, that he will be all calm and then all of a sudden, like someone pressed a button, he is crazy dog running around the house, jumping on and off the furniture and stuff, it is extremely funny.

All in all, Taz is a wonderful dog and we are enjoying him everyday and he is very loved.
