
A wonderful couple, who didn't know they were expecting, soon found themselves with the arrival of a bouncing baby boy!



Click Here to Read The Joys of Owning a Mature Siberian Husky by Judy Curiel

Zen Nikita at 10 years old..just a baby boy at heart, found himself needing to find a home. His father was moving to Arizona and couldn't take Zen on the journey. Little did everyone know, but his new home was soon to be found.

Harvey and Judy had joined Tails of the Tundra wanting to help in memory of their loved Sebastian. They decided that fostering was the route to take and Zen was the ideal candidate. It didn't take long ... maybe a second ... to realize that Zen was home.

It is best to let Zen's new parent tell you the rest:

"Zen had some pretty "big paws to fill" and he is doing a wonderful job of making ours a complete family again. We always knew we'd adopt another older Siberian Husky after our Sebastian passed away but we did not think we would find our perfect match so soon. When we first heard about Zen, we were planning to foster him but within days we knew he was the right boy for us. Zen has enriched our lives with his playfulness, his curiosity, his intelligence, his energy, his sweet disposition and his love. In less than a week he has become quite the diplomat; he takes turns "playing bear" and sleeping with both Mommy and Daddy! We are very grateful to Jamie, Zen's first Daddy, and to everyone at TOTTSHR especially Scott and Paige who made this transition very easy for us, for Jamie and most of all for Zen. We are blessed to have found our second perfect dog." -- Judy Curiel and Harvey Harr

Thank you Judy and Harvey for opening your hearts and home to Zen. We know that you will take good care of him and love him as a son. And thank you to Jamie for working hard to help find Zen a good home.

After 4 loving years with Harvey and Judy, Zen crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge on February 16, 2005. Visit our memorials page to read Zen's memorial.